Friday, August 3, 2012

Blog co-dependent

I am absolutely addicted to my Google reader. My blog list must have at least 50 blogs on it. I check it about once an hour, sometimes more. I get very sad when there are no new entries on my list, especially when my favorite blogs don't update every day. I hope no one feels that way about my blog (you know my one regular reader, love you Lizzie) because I just don't have enough to post daily. I wish i did but I totally don't have the time either...

I'm off to spend the day with my family :-) and maybe a little fro-yo too.

Here are a few of my favorite blogs, click over and check them out.

A Healthy Slice of Life

Duchess of Fork

Young House Love

20 Minute Mom

A Turtle's Life for Me

I Heart Organizing

Navigating the Mothership

It's All Happening

Musings of a Half Wit

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. hey, you update a lot more regularly than most of the blogs i follow. with your sunday thing, i'm guaranteed a once-a-week update! which is way better than i do some months...
